www.lampel.net / johannes / projects / somsim

Johannes Lampel - Projects/SOMSim

Just some temp info on the main class ...

class DllExport qSOM2d
qSOM2d(); ctor
~qSOM2d(); dtor
int SetSize(long,long,long); set size of map (Dim of Input,x,y) -> x=y isn't too useful
int InitWeights(InitType); ...
int SetInput(nVec_var *); copies input into local class storage
nVec_var Categorize(void); cats input
nVec_var Categorize(nVec_var*); like the two above
nVec_var CategorizeFast(void); cats faster cause it neglects some (!) neurons
nVec_var CategorizeFast(nVec_var*); ...
void GetWinner(long &,long &); finds 'nearest' neuron
nVec_var *GetNWeights(long,long); return the weight matrix of one neuron
nVec_var GetDistP(void); return stiffness param
void SetDistP(nVec_var); ...
nVec_var GetLRate(void); return lRate
void SetLRate(nVec_var); ...
void SetNKFunction(nVec_var (*name)(const nVec_var&,const nVec_var&)); sets the pointer to the NK functions, which is set to fNKgauss1 by default
void *GetNKFunction(void); ..
void Save(const char *); savin' data to file
void Load(const char *); loadin' data from file to mem
long lXSize,lYSize,lNNeurons; ...
long lRow; lXSize * lNNeurons
nVec_var *dp3Weights; field of weights
nVec_var *dp1Input; input to be categorized or tested
nVec_var dLearnrate; ...
nVec_var dDistanceP; stiffness param
char *szVersion; Just some information about this simulator
nVec_var (*fNK)(const nVec_var&,const nVec_var&); pointer to NK function
nVec *pVDiff; diff (updated by calling cat) between Input and Winner
class DllExport SOMPattern
SOMPattern(const dim_c); ctor
~SOMPattern(); dtor
int SetMaxPatternNum(const long); max Number of Pattern - not yet able to copy data from old array to new and no dynamic alloc
long AddPattern(const nVec_var *); ...
long AddPattern(const nVec &); ... (-> calling AddPattern(const nVec_var *)
int SetSOM(qSOM2d *); setting som to be trained
int TeachEpoch(const nVec_var&,const nVec_var&); Teaching a full number of pattern and storing the errors ( return values of qSOM2d :: Categorize ) in a pattern related variable
int TeachEpochFast(const nVec_var &,const nVec_var &); same as above, only using qSOM2d::CategorizeFast
SOMPatternElem *pFPattern; Field of PatternElem instances with static size
long lPDimNum; Number of dimensions of every Pattern
long lPNum; Number of pattern
long lActPPos; Actual position of last elem ( lActPPos - 1 )
qSOM2d * SActSOM; som to be trained


class DllExport SOMPattern
SOMPattern(const dim_c); ctor
~SOMPattern(); dtor
int SetMaxPatternNum(const long); max Number of Pattern - not yet able to copy data from old array to new and no dynamic alloc
long AddPattern(const nVec_var *); ...
long AddPattern(const nVec &); ... (-> calling AddPattern(const nVec_var *)
int SetSOM(qSOM2d *); setting som to be trained
int TeachEpoch(const nVec_var&,const nVec_var&); Teaching a full number of pattern and storing the errors ( return values of qSOM2d :: Categorize ) in a pattern related variable
int TeachEpochFast(const nVec_var &,const nVec_var &); same as above, only using qSOM2d::CategorizeFast
SOMPatternElem *pFPattern; Field of PatternElem instances with static size
long lPDimNum; Number of dimensions of every Pattern
long lPNum; Number of pattern
long lActPPos; Actual position of last elem ( lActPPos - 1 )
qSOM2d * SActSOM; som to be trained


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